Actions are workflows built inside your Station using which you can manage your treasury, members and your Station.
Actions currently live
Manage Assets
Send Assets - Send ERC20 asstes to any address
Send NFT - Send ERC721 asstes to any address
Update Total Raise Amount / Update NFT Supply - Update the total raise amount / NFT supply for your Station
Update Price per token - Update the price per token for your Station token
Whitelist Deposits (custom address, Lens followers, lens post interactions) - Whitelist users to gate your Station deposits.
Reward members - Distribute profits, rewards etc to your community
Mint Station tokens - Mint & send your Station's tokens to any user
Add/Remove multi-sig signers - Add/Remove signers on your Station's SAFE multi-sig.
More coming soon..
How actions works
On the dashboard, go to 'Activity'
Here, you'll be able to see all the proposals that have been raised in the past & you can create a new proposal by clicking on the 'Propose' button.
Here, you can choose from an extensive list of actions (more coming in the future)
Click on the action that you want to execute and fill all the info (Title, End Date, Description and action parameters)
Once an action is created, based on the type of Station Governance, the action goes into voting in case of a community governance station and it is ready to sign and execute in case of an admin controlled Station.
Once an action is signed & ready to be executed, it must be completed before trying to execute any other action. (Lower Nonce transactions should be executed first)
Last updated