🪂Using DropX
Disburse tokens & setup token claim pages
Once you’ve connected your wallet, you can see all the claim pages that you’ve created & the
Here, you can do 2 things:
Disburse tokens - One-click disbursement of tokens (you pay gas)
Create a Claim Page - Create a customised token claim page and users claim their share of the tokens (users pay gas, you only pay a minimal gas fee for setting up the claim page)
How to Disburse tokens
Choose the token that you want to disburse.
Enter wallet address and the corresponding amount
Format: Add1, Amt1 Add2, Amt2 . . AddN, AmtN
Once filled, click 'Finish' and the token is disbursed!
Setting up a token Claim Page
Step 1: While setting up a claim, you have the option to customise it based on your requirements
Description: This is name of your claim and should be easily identifiable by your community.
Token source: You can either choose to create a custom contract to disburse these tokens from or approve the claim contract to disburse tokens directly from your EOS wallet/multi-sig
Token selection: Select the token you want to airdrop
Number of tokens: How many tokens do you want to distribute during the claim period?
Start and end dates: Select the start and end dates for the claim period.
Once you've filled out all this information, click 'Next'
Step 2: Add conditions on who will be eligible to claim these tokens.
Here, you can easily configure who can claim. Here are the 3 ways you can do it
Open: Everyone can claim.
Gating a community: Those who hold a particular token or NFT can claim, either pro-rata based on the token-holdings or a custom amount for everyone.
Custom: Upload a CSV file containing wallet addresses and claim amounts (Custom).
You can token-gate across chains (eg. claim on MATIC, gated using a token on BSC).
Once this is configures, click on 'Finish' and your claim is ready!
You can manage your claims using the admin dashboard. Here you can:
Turn the claim on/off
Add social links, description & banner image and social share text to make it unique
Add more tokens
Rollback unclaimed tokens
Modify the start & end dates
Monitor how much has been claimed and users who've claimed
Last updated