πSetup an Investment Station
Create a new station on app.stationx.network
Step 1: Add Basic Info
Station Name - Give your Station a unique name
Station Token Ticker - Give your Station a unique ticker
Select Token Type - Non-transferable ERC20 to issue shares to members like in a syndicate/investment collectives.
Once these are set, click 'Next'
The name & token symbol of your Station is publicly visible on-chain & canβt be changed after it is created. This can be your brand name or something your community identifies with.
Step 2: Set Deposit Rules for new members
Set the last date for members to deposit & join
Set minimum deposit amount per user(wallet)
Set maximum deposit amount per user(wallet)
Set the total amount you're currently raising with this Station
Once these are set, click 'Next'
Step 3: Configure Treasury
You can choose between setting up a new SAFE multi-sig or connecting an existing multi-sig (SAFE) with your Station to manage treasury.
If you're connecting an existing SAFE multi-sig, the signers of that SAFE multi-sig will be the signers of this Station.
If you're creating a new SAFE multi-sig, add wallets and that will sign & approve the final transaction (The wallet used to create the Station will be a signer by default)
Step 4: Set Governance Rules
Choose between Community Governance and Admins Only governance models depending on how you want to manage your station (Admins Only by default)
If set to Admins Only, only the members added as signers will be able to create and execute actions. Members will only be able to see action history and participate in Survey Proposals only.
If set to Community Governance - Set Quorum (0% - 100%) & Threshold (51% - 100%)
Quorum - Minimum % of votes needed to consider any proposal valid.
Threshold - Minimum % of votes needed out of all votes casted to pass a proposal.
For every action proposal to become valid and executable, members of the Station will have to vote on the proposal and meet the minimum quorum & threshold requirements.
A higher Quorum & Threshold increases the security & trust-less nature of your Station.
That's it, click on 'Finish', approve a transaction & your Station is ready and you'll be redirected to the dashboard!
Last updated